REGULARMEETINGAGENDA1.Call to Order2.Invocation3.Pledge of Allegiance4.Approval of the Consent Agendaa.Meeting Minutes –Wednesday, November 8, 2017 (Special Called Meeting–Citizen Engagement Forumfor Naming the City)b.Meeting Minutes –Monday, November 13, 2017 (Special Called Meeting–Ballot Voting for Naming the City)c.Meeting Minutes –Tuesday, November 14, 2017(Work Session and Regular Meeting) d.Proclamation –Reverend Otis Willis, Jr.Appreciation Day(Edwards)e.Proclamation –World Changers Church Appreciation Day (Jackson)5.Approval of the Regular Meeting Agenda6.Proclamations and Recognitionsa.Proclamation recognizing FAKS Allied Health Education Center Appreciation Day. (Baker)7.Public Commenta.Speakers will begranted up to two minutes each and public comment will not exceed 30 minutes. Speakers will not be allowed to yield or donate their time to other speakers.8.Businessa.Resolutionsi.Resolution Establishing Citywide Neighborhood Watch Program for the City of South Fulton; and for other purposes. (Gumbs-Res2017-072)ii.Amendment and Supplement to Resolution No. 2017-060–Fulton Industrial CID Agreement. (Res2017-073)iii.Resolution approving the Intergovernmental Agreement between Fulton County Schools and the City of South Fulton to provide for a School Bus Safety Enforcement Program. (Rowell -Res2017-074)iv.Resolution approving the Inmate Detention Agreement between the City of South Fulton and East Point Police Department. (Res2017-075)v.Resolution approving the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of South Fulton and Union City for the use of Union City’s court facilities. (Res2017-076) vi.Resolution approving the contract for Probation Supervision and Rehabilitation Services. (Res2017-077)b.Ordinancesi.[2nd READING]Adoption of AdditionalEthics Ordinances. (Rowell & Willis -Ord2017-031)ii.[2nd READING]Adoption of an Ordinance to impose asurcharge on all fines imposed for violations of ordinances governing public Parks and Recreation Facilities in the City of South Fulton.(Ord2017-032)iii.[2nd READING]Amendment to Ordinance No.2017-018–Rules of the Road. Ordinance to Amend Title 8 of the City of South FultonCode of Ordinances to impose a surcharge on all fines imposed under Title 8 for specific purposes–Police Tech Retention & Recruitment. (Ord2017-033)iv.[2nd READING]Adoption of Ordinance Relating to the Regulation of Sexually-Oriented Businesses in the City of South Fulton Boundaries; To provide for definitions; To provide for the licensing of Sexually-Oriented Businesses; To provide for maximum fees and penalties for violation of this chapter; To provide for Appellate Rights; To provide for severability;To provide an effective date; To repeal all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; And for other purposes. (Rowell -Ord2017-034)v.[2nd READING]Amendment to Ordinance No. 2017-017–Municipal Court. An Ordinance to Amend Title 7 of the City of South Fulton Code of Ordinances; To provide for a Quarterly Report from the Municipal Court; And for other purposes. (Ord2017-035)vi.[2nd READING]Amendment to Ordinance No. 2017-017–Municipal Court. An Ordinance to Amend Title 7 of the City of SouthFulton Code of Ordinances; To provide for the payment of costs Incurred by the City of South Fulton by the defendant upon conviction. (Ord2017-036)vii.[1st READING]Ordinance to Amend the Charter of the City of South Fulton Amending Section 1.10 Changing the Name of theCity to the City of “Renaissance”.(Ord2017-037)viii.[1st READING]Adoption of Insurance Premium Taxation.(Ord2017-038)ix.[1stREADING]Emergency Ordinance to establish the convening of the Municipal Court at regular intervals. (Ord2017-039)9.City Manager’s Weekly Update(Financial Status Update –CFO)10.Mayor and City Council Comments(Two Minutes Each)11.Adjournment
City of South Fulton City Council Meeting – November 28, 2017
December 6, 2017 by
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