The City of South Fulton is proud to introduce its new Waste Collection program under Title 6, Health & Sanitation, of the City Code. Among other things, the Program helps to protect City infrastructure, creates oversight and sets operational standards with respect to sanitation services within the City.


1. Waste collection vendors must meet City mandated qualification requirements.
2. Each residence is required to have waste collection service through a qualified vendor.
3. Waste collection vendors contract directly with residents to establish a more individualized level of
control over selected services.
4. Property owners/residents may secure services from any company on the City’s approved South
Fulton Sanitation Services Vendors List. The list is maintained and updated on the city’s website.


1. Solid waste providers maintain the right to charge a fair competitive market price.
2. There is a 5% infrastructure maintenance fee assessed to sanitation providers doing business in the
City. The fee is assessed to assist with managing the wear and tear resulting from the constant use of
such large trucks and equipment on City roadways. As with most industries in the U.S., the vendors
may absorb the fee or increase rates to pass the fee along to the customer.

A grace period for residents to comply and obtain sanitation services has been set until February 1, 2019.

Discounts are offered at each vendors’ discretion and include rates for senior citizens and people with
disabilities. Please contact vendors directly for their offered discounts.
City sponsored information sessions will be offered throughout December of 2018.

Please visit the City’s sanitation page at your convenience.


City of South Fulton Public Works Department
5440 Fulton Industrial Boulevard
Atlanta, GA 30336
(470) 552-4311 (Available 24 Hours)

For additional information about the City of South Fulton visit our website at your convenience.

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