GDOT Contacts

Courtesy of CoSF resident Ms. Lisa Stigger:

You may contact the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) either by phone: (770) 216-3982 or by submitting an Online Inquiry here:

Once you are on the “ContactUs/Inquiry Information page:

  1. Look down the page to the “Inquiry Information” section.
  2. In the “Subject” line, select from the drop-down menu “Report Maintenance Need”.
  3. From there click on “Litter” (or any other concern on this page).
  4. Proceed to complete the form and it will be directed to the department responsible according to your selections.

Fulton County is in “Area 3”

The above example is just one for reporting Litter on a road that is maintained by GDOT.  However, this form can be used to communicate other transportation concerns.


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